Weekly Favorites: Pumpkin Cake & Holiday Decor

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful (and hopefully not super stressful) holiday weekend! I did a poll on my Instagram last week (@shesmilesallday) asking about whether or not everyone was feeling my weekly style diaries and the verdict was that they would be better for IG stories! So if you’re not following … Continue Reading

Happy Thanksgiving! | What I’m Grateful For This Year

Itโ€™s funny how this time of year has changed so much for me over the years. It use to be one filled with stress and deadlines and late nights at work. When you work in retail, Thanksgiving is just the day before Black Friday.ย  But now that I donโ€™t live that life anymore (thank god) … Continue Reading

3 Last Minute Thanksgiving Outfits

Let’s face it, Thanksgiving is a confusing holiday to dress for. Depending on your family and their traditions you might be expected to dress up and obviously we all want to look cute for the gram. But also, like, we need room for all the mashed potatoes, ya feel me? You also are literally getting … Continue Reading


Happy Turkey Day! Am I the only one who feels like a total dad saying “turkey day”? No? Thank god. I hope you’re all spending time with your loved ones, getting ridiculously full and guzzling wine while dancing to Christmas music in your living rooms. Here is a list of 5 of the things I’m … Continue Reading


*This post may contain affiliate links It is officially my favorite time of year because hello, mashed potatoes. I mean, seeing my family is cool too but you know, #priotities. I put together a super comfy and chic look that I plan on actually wearing to Thanksgiving dinner because 1. These pants are stretchy afย (plenty … Continue Reading