It’s January which means the gyms are overcrowded and Lululemon is definitely hitting their sales goals.
We all love a good resolution. Everyone is doing it this month so it feels like we’re all in this together and we have a brand new year and this time is going to be different.
…but is it really?
In fact, it’s January 22nd. Have you even kept up with the goals you’ve set so far?
Related: My 2020 New Year Goals
Not trying to be an asshole over here. It’s not that I don’t think people are capable of sticking to their resolutions. A lot of people do. I just think we live in a culture where we feel pressured to set these huge, bold goals at the beginning of the year that kinda just set us up for failure.
If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy working out, then saying in 2020 you’re going to work out 5 days a week doesn’t make a lot of sense. And when that ultimately doesn’t happen, you’re going to end up feeling bad about yourself when that truly isn’t something to be upset about.
We don’t all need to transform into health and fitness Queens come January. We’re allowed to set smaller, more reasonable goals. Not everything has to be so grand and over the top. Start small, set a foundation and take action.
I wanted to share with you a few small changes you can make in the new year that you can actually stick to. These are all habits I’ve acquired over time that aren’t crazy huge but have made a noticeable difference in my health and happiness.
Here are 6 healthy lifestyle changes that can actually last longer than January:


This was a game-changer for my health and my wallet.
In 2018 I decided to become a healthier person and was able to lose a lot of weight in the process (not always the goal or something to strive for, it was just a by-product of no longer eating trash) and become the healthiest I’ve ever been. One of the things that made eating better a lot easier for me was making it a non-negotiable that I go to the grocery store every week.
I found that weekly trips worked best for me since I’m just one person and realistically if I bought a ton of food with the hopes that it would get me through a few weeks it would go bad or not be used. I started going to Trader Joe’s every Sunday and found myself really looking forward to the activity.
I like to not only plan out a menu for the week (especially since I’ve been having so much fun learning new recipes lately) but to also meal prep on Sundays. But even if you’re not into meal prepping (you honestly should be, it’s such a time-saver) planning out what you’re going to eat every week makes it so much easier to make healthier eating choices. Plus if you plan ahead you can find recipes that are not only good for you but that you think you’ll actually enjoy eating vs. throwing a bag of greens you’ll never eat into your cart and calling it a day.
Make it a fun weekly ritual. Grab a coffee, head to the grocery store with your list and get excited about all of the tasty and nutritious things you’re going to eat that week! Also, thank me later when you realize you’ve gone from spending $200 a week on takeout to $50 a week on groceries.
Related: Losing 25 Pounds in One Year | What I Learned

Everyone always assumes eating healthier and starting new habits means taking away everything you love. But it doesn’t always have to be this way.
Sure, maybe consider skipping your daily bag of hot Cheetos in lieu of a real breakfast. But something I think a lot of people don’t realize is that eating healthy isn’t so much about calories or taking away fatty foods. It’s mostly about adding in the nutrients that your body is missing and desperately needs.
Instead of getting sad about cutting carbs out of your diet (honestly, that’s a mistake. Carbs are vital to your happiness) think about what you can add to it. Do you not eat enough vegetables? Add some roasted broccoli or a big juicy salad to your lunch, alongside your bowl of pasta. In serious need of some fiber? Add almonds, chia seeds, or artichokes to your snack rotation.
The best part? As you begin to add in these healthier elements to your diet you’ll start to notice that you’re getting fuller faster and don’t have as much room for the unhealthy stuff. Adding greens to your plate will become second nature. You’re building a habit that’s based on nourishing your body vs. taking things away.

We’re taking baby steps here. Literally. Just go take a walk around the block. That’s all it takes.
If you’re the type of person who hates working out (hi! This was me two years ago) then it can be totally daunting to make a goal to jump into exercising daily with the expectation that you’re going to be hitting the gym for an hour +. Instead of setting goals that might be a tad unrealistic, think about ways you can move your just a little bit every day.
Related: How I Got Over My Hatred For Working Out
This could be a 10-minute ab workout you find on Youtube, walking your dog or trying to teach yourself an embarrassing dance routine every night before bed. Whatever feels good and is not so out of the realm of reality for you.
Often times when our goals don’t feel “good enough” we feel like they’re pointless. Why waste our time taking a walk around the block? That’s not going to do anything. But alas, that is where you are wrong. Small changes create huge results over time. Exercise is most definitely one of those things where “done” is better than “perfect”.
Once you’ve got this down and it feels like a part of your routine then start thinking about ways to take things up a notch. Maybe it’s a 30-minute workout once a week that eventually turns into daily practice. Whatever you choose, remember that you have to walk before you can run. Pun intended.
And I can guarantee you if you’re not someone who exercises often (or ever) even just this small change in your day is going to make you feel totally empowered and you will see a difference in your health.

As a big vitamin guy, I find this part of my morning routine to be totally second nature but that’s not how it always was for me. It can be tricky to figure out what exactly you need or should be taking, where to get the right supplements and finding the will power to take them every day.
It’s one of those things that can feel hugely inconvenient even though it’s a pretty quick and easy task. It’s like hanging up your jacket. Would it take that much longer to put it on its hanger? Not really. But throwing it on your chair just seems easier.
So how do you start taking them? Make it easy and make it simple. Just start with a multivitamin. You can even get the gummies (although if you’re like me and possess zero will power I wouldn’t recommend it because you will end up eating more than you’re supposed to). Place it on your bedside table to have in the mornings. Easy.
I personally like to set my vitamins out the night before so they’re all ready to go for me to take right after my breakfast. And for the record, the reason why my vitamin game is so strong is because my mom picks them out for me so don’t be that impressed!

This is not that much water. In fact, it’s only 5 glasses. You’re really supposed to be drinking half of your body weight in ounces sooooo 40 shouldn’t be a big deal.
Everyone always wants to drink more water (including myself!) but we always find an excuse why we can’t. I’m too busy, I forget, it’s too hard, I have to pee too often. I get it. It can kind of feel like a chore. Which is why you should start small!
Get a cute 20 oz. water bottle and drink two of those bad boys in a day. Doesn’t seem so bad right? I personally drive a lot during the day so I have made it a habit to always drink water at every stoplight. I personally drink between 80-100 ounces a day although I’d love to get it up to a gallon. Start with something easy and work your way up.
Plus if you’re still lacking motivation, with an increase in your water consumption comes clearer skin, weight loss, and more energy. Just saying.

This is definitely the hardest thing on this list because you have to actually commit and physically go somewhere. But hear me out: it’s just one hour, once a month. And best of all? You might just trick yourself into finding a workout you actually like.
I signed up for classpass in April of last year and was committed to ditching the gym (it wasn’t for me) and finding a class I enjoyed. I scheduled out reformer pilates, barre, yoga, and even some intense boot camp shizz. I went to the first class, reformer pilates, fell in love, canceled all the rest and have been going 3 times a week ever since.
Make it fun by getting a friend to do it with you and be open-minded about it. Worst case scenario you hate it and go get pizza afterward.

What are your health and wellness goals this year? Share them with me in the comments below!