I know people say this every year but this past year of my life truly went by in the blink of an eye. I feel like I’ve been 23 for about 23 seconds and now the year is gone and I’m saying hello to 24.
This past year has hands down been the most transformational year of my life. I got promoted to a Store Manager at Victoria’s Secret as an extended assignment, ended up quitting after it was over to focus on my blog full time, started my own consulting business, got over a bad breakup, started living alone, said goodbye to friends who moved away, got a lot closer with new ones, went to New York Fashion Week for the first time and most notably, got an A-line haircut (just kidding…kind of).
I did a bunch of those big, scary moves that you’re supposed to make in your twenties before you have a family and kids and a mortgage. And itΒ has been scary. And so exciting. These huge changes in my life have pushed me so far out of my comfort zone that I wouldn’t know how to find my way back to it if I tried.
I’ve learned so much about myself in my 23rd year and I know in 50 years when I look back I’m going to remember it as the year I made shit happen. It’s the year when I decided that I was going to live my life exactly how I had always wanted to and I was going to do it unapologetically. And for the most part, I have.
There are days when I feel totally badass and in control and filled with pride. And then there are days when I wake up and I feel tired and burnt out and doubtful if all of these big beautiful dreams I have are really going to happen. And that’s the thing, we often times define ourselves way too much by the big life-changing moments and not enough by the small victories we experience every day in between. I think about my goals and I get so consumed with strategizing and planning (because hello, that’s my thing) that I spend too much time thinking about tomorrow and not enough time reveling in the now.
The fact that I’m my own boss, that I’m pursuing my dream career, that I live in a city I’m obsessed with and I get to spend as much time with the people I love as I want are reasons to celebrate every day. Those big milestones I’m working towards will happen when they happen. In the meanwhile, there is so much to be grateful for and I don’t want to forget that.
In honor of a crazy year and what I anticipate to be an even crazier one ahead, I have compiled the 24 things I’ve learned from my twenties so far. Along with funny pictures of my past birthday celebrations for your viewing pleasure! There’s some gems in there, so you’re welcome.
1. Always take the extra shift, stay late or offer to help out even if you’re working at an entry-level job. Strong work ethic is always a good trait to be known for.

2. My parents actually turned into my best friends and after all of those angsty teenage years of wanting to move out, I now get offended when they take longer than 30 minutes to text me back. I’m your entire life, what’s the hold up?
3.Don’t be afraid to be open about your passions and dreams. The people who actually care about you will cheer you on.

4. If a guy likes you, you will know. You will not have to guess or wonder or stress. If they’re not trying to get to know you better they’re just not that into you.

5. Sometimes your time is more valuable than your money.
6. Always bring a backup pair of shoes.
7. If you want the job, the promotion, the raise, go ask for it. While you’re playing coy someone else who knows their worth is getting that promotion.
8. College isn’t for everyone. And that’s okay.
9. Sometimes people doubt you because they don’t believe in themselves. They think if they can’t do something then you must not be able to either. That sucks for them, but it doesn’t have to suck for you.
10. Be coachable. Be willing to take feedback, always.
11. It’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed.
12. Your true friends will be there for you during the great times and the not so great times. Not just when it’s convenient for them.
13. Give cards with your gifts. It’s becoming a lost art.

14. If you don’t want to go somewhere, see someone or do something just don’t. Life is too short to waste time doing things that don’t make you happy.
15. Sometimes the overpriced handbag is worth it.
16. Unfortunately, adulthood is not as glamorous as Sex and The City made me believe. Still striving to have a closet like Carrie’s someday.

17. If you take a day off your business will not crumble to the ground. You’re allowed to take a break.
18. Don’t be that girl who takes her boyfriend everywhere with her. A ladies night is called a ladies night for a reason.
19. Take care of your skin. It’s never too early for an anti-aging serum.

20. Don’t be a judgy bitch. It’s hard enough being a woman, we need to support one another now more than ever.
21. Always carry a tide to go pen.

22. A guy inviting you over to his house to “hang out” is not a real date. Ew. Bye!
23. We only have one life, we shouldn’t waste it wishing it was different.

24. The most important relationship you’re ever going to have is with yourself. Don’t screw it up!
Expect a TON of new content coming your way very soon π
I totally get what you’re saying about things like the a-line haircut, sometimes the smallest changes can seem to make the biggest difference! Happy birthday!
Haha right?! Thank you π
Babette Brown
You got it all right and you are only in your 20ies! It took me a little longer to figure it all out… but never be afraid to do big bold moves at any age! It just becomes scarier with age but remember your 20ies and go for it (I sound like a fairy godmother – lol)
I love your post and YES to everything π
xo BB
Thank you! I appreciate the encouragement π
Kate (@thegoldsister)
1, 4, and 13!! I loveee making my own cards for people, I feel like it adds something a little extra. :))
Happy birthday! x
Thank you love! π
This was the loveliest post and happy belated birthday! Your writing has so much personality and fire to it!
Thank you Laurel! Appreciate you reading π