There is such an overwhelming amount of information out there that will tell you what you need to have (and not have) on your blog. It can be frustrating trying to figure out which options are best for you but I definitely believe there are some basics that every blogger needs to think about. There are certain elements your blog needs that will immediately improve your traffic, audience engagement and overall quality.

I know this whole blogging thing feels like a never ending class and in a way, it is. Every day I’m learning something new or trying to figure out a new skill. It’s semi exhausting but also super stimulating and exciting. So stay with me here, your blog is just going to get better and better with time.

There’s also a great beginner’s social media calendar template for you to download (for free!) linked below #5!

Here are 7 critical elements your blog needs to get you started:


7 Elements Your Blog Needs 7 Elements Your Blog Needs

If you’re like me and tech stuff really freaks you out then you’ll understand my pain. Blogging has been a huge learning curve because I get easily overwhelmed when I’m told to update my computer. Yes, it is that bad. I am forever hitting “remind me tomorrow” until my computer speed is more irritating than the reminder and I finally do it. Embarrassing, but real.

Picking a user friendly host and platform is going to be real lifesaver for you. I chose iPage because 1. it’s cheap af and 2. doesn’t give me any problems. My site is easy to customize and they respond quickly when I have any questions or concerns.

I’ve been using WordPress the entire time I’ve been blogging and I find it extremely easy to use. Some might disagree, but if I can handle it so can you. Plus it has some really great features you can’t find on other platforms. I love that it’s so easy to categorize my posts, organize my images and manage my widgets. I also use a plugin specifically for WordPress called Yoast that is so incredibly helpful I could cry. SEO is not my thing and it doesn’t have to be because Yoast does all of the work for me. It automatically checks my blog post as I’m writing it to give me suggestions on how to improve it so I’m found easier in search engines. It also gives me suggestions on how to make my posts easier and more enjoyable to read. Sold.

There are a ton of other hosts and platforms you can use that will fit your specific needs and skill level. Feel free to do your own research to see which one is right for you.


7 Elements Your Blog Needs

Whether you have a fashion blog like me or not an editorial or content calendar is a must. Not only does it hold you accountable to a posting schedule, but it makes it so much easier to layout how you can realistically create your content by its due date.

If a reader checks out your blog post on fitness and they love it and find it really useful, then chances are they’re going to be on the lookout for new content from you. Soon. If you can provide your audience with new information on a regular basis then they will stay loyal to your blog. It’s the difference between having a casual hobby and a serious commitment. This is especially critical if you’re looking to turn your blog into your business.

I create my editorial calendar a month in advance and plan out every post so I’m prepared. Giving myself that much time to create my content is less stressful and results in high quality posts that my readers love. When you force yourself to just write something to get up on your blog so you have something new then your content quality suffers and it’s easy to see. Planning and preparation are your friend.

Related: Blogging Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginner


7 Elements Your Blog Needs

Email newsletters sound super grandma status, I know. Who even reads newsletters anymore? I do. And so do your readers.

Every morning when I wake up I reach for my phone (so stereotypical) and scroll through my social media and then my email. I always wake up to a ton of newsletters from blogs I love that give me useful info and brands I love that promote products that are relevant to me. Do you know what I do next? I read those blogs and I buy those products.

Sure, I don’t buy something every time I get an email (although the temptation is real), but I eagerly open them to see if there is anything that catches my eye.

Email is an amazing way to connect with your audience on a more personal level. People who give you their email address trust you and love your content. These are the people who will buy products and services from you. Email subscribers care enough about your content that they want to know what’s new with you as soon as it happens.

While social media followers are awesome and a great way to give your blog exposure, they’re just not as reliable as your email subscribers. People follow you on social media for many different reasons, not all of which involve them visiting your blog.


7 Elements Your Blog Needs 7 Elements Your Blog Needs 7 Elements Your Blog Needs

I talk about this all because it’s so true. People want to look at compelling, interesting and beautiful images. This doesn’t mean you need an expensive camera and a professional photographer. It just means that you should be thoughtful about how you take and edit your pictures before posting them to your blog.

I am by no means a great photographer but I’ve taken time to learn about the basics so even when I’m taking a few quick shots with my iPhone I can make sure that they’re going to turn out well. Good lighting and interesting angles make a huge difference. I purchased a Canon Rebel about two years ago so a lot of my images are taken on that and I also occasionally work with a photographer. I also use my iPhone often and edit my images to improve the quality. Both options create great images so don’t feel like this is a huge expense you have to commit to right now.


7 Elements Your Blog Needs 7 Elements Your Blog Needs

This may seem obvious but if you want a following you need to give your readers a way to follow you. Duh. Often times I’ll be reading a great post and at the end I’ll see that there are share buttons. I’ll click the Facebook link and share it instantly. Super easy and a great way to get your name out there. If I read a post and I really enjoy it I will probably still share it even without the share buttons but the thing is, sometimes you have to make it ridiculously easy or people just won’t do it. Writing something like “did you love this post? Share it below!” is a great call to action to remind your readers they have that option.

Linking to your social media is huge and this one is an absolute necessity. If I’m on your blog and I love your content I will definitely want to follow you on Instagram. But if I can’t find a link to your account on the page I’m currently on then I won’t do it. Taking a few minutes out of my day to search for your handle is not high on my list of priorities. Make it easy for your readers!


7 Elements Your Blog Needs

This page can either be the most or least enjoyable one to create, depending on your feelings when it comes to talking about yourself. I’ve read articles arguing that a third person approach is the most professional route to go when writing your “about me”. However, I think it depends on your tenure and experience in the blogging world. When I read “about me” pages from well known bloggers or bloggers who I know collaborate with brands, guest post on popular sites and work on a lot of cool projects I understand why they chose a third person approach. It can be awkward to be like, “Hey, I’m awesome. I’ve done all of these things with all of these people. I’m successful”. So by using a third person voice you’re able to brag about your accomplishments without sounding like you’re obsessed with yourself.

On the other hand, I think if you’re like me and have done some brand collaborations, have a small to average following and are still building your brand it can make more sense to speak in the first person. I would feel silly speaking in the third person and when I wrote my “about me” I tried it. It just didn’t feel like me. So I wrote it the way I write the rest of my content and it flowed very naturally. I share what I love to write about, what type of content my readers can find on the blog and ways for them to contact me with questions or business inquiries. Check it out here. Here are a few “About Me” pages that I’ve seen and loved with both points of view (I also love and recommend these blogs):

Carrie Bradshaw Lied About Me

Crystalin Marie About Me

Haute Off The Rack About Me

The Champagne Diet About Me

Often times bloggers will check their google analytics and see that their About Me page receives the most visits. Make sure you don’t throw together something quick just to get it up there. This is a great opportunity to make a personal connection with your readers. So whether you want to keep it short and sweet or write a few paragraphs, make it count.


7 Elements Your Blog Needs 7 Elements Your Blog Needs 7 Elements Your Blog Needs

Do you get a little widget crazy? Just admit it, it’s okay. This is a safe place.

I don’t blame you. There are so many awesome plug ins you can add to your blog that will enhance it. But the problem with going plug in crazy is that it can slow down your site speed. It can also make it harder for your readers to navigate through your blog.

I would recommend choosing just a few key plug ins that will make navigation easier and letting go of anything extra. I have an Instagram plugin at the bottom of my blog that shows my recent posts, which makes it really easy for readers to find more content they’ll love. My menu is really simple with just the category options so they can find the type of content they’re looking for easily, my about me and a way to subscribe. I don’t have any drop downs although I may add a FAQ page to my About Me in the future. Too many drop downs and options can be overwhelming so make sure they’re absolutely necessary before adding them.

I have a “most recent posts” section on the side bar of my site which makes it really easy for my readers to find my 5 most recent posts without having to scroll through every page.

Customize your site in a way that works for you but keep your reader’s experience in mind when creating your navigation.

I hope these tips were helpful for you and if they were feel free to share them! Leave me any questions in the comments below and feel free to shoot me an email if you’d like 🙂 you can reach me here:



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