I realize I’m a few days late, but between transitioning between my old job and my new one and dealing with all of the holiday madness I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down and get real with myself. So I’m doing it now!

I write resolutions every year and find it extremely fun and thought provoking. I usually keep them pinned up in my room and I look at them at the end of the year and see how I did. Surprise surprise, the fitness ones never seem to pan out. Oh well, there’s always next year!

Some of them are super general (“get yo fitness on”) and some are more specific (“no soda in the year of our lord 2013”). Both I think are useful, but I think the most important thing is to really take the time to visualize what you want your life to look like and then keep that vision in the forefront of your mind so you can have the motivation to make it happen.

So here we go, my 2016 New Year Resolutions:

1. Get promoted to Store Manager

This year I am starting off with a brand new position as an Assistant Store Manager with a focus around selling. I couldn’t be more excited because this is really the perfect position for me. I’m really passionate about team development, customer connectivity and loss prevention–three things that I will be focused on in this new role. I am one promotion away from becoming a Store Manager and I really think it could happen in 2016 if I can just push myself and my team to reach ground breaking results. The numbers speak for themselves and I intend on having a platinum store.

2. Buy a new carย 

I love Dolores, my 1996 Toyota Corolla, I really do. But with over 230,000 miles on her I know her time is coming to an end. Plus I really want something reliable that I don’t have to worry about. So I want to get a new Honda Accord Sport Sedan (exotic, I know) in the summer. In red. To some people that probably sounds pretty lame and basic but to me it sounds dope as hell and I can’t wait. Safety is sexy!

3. Meal prep consistently

I’m aiming for once a week, just taking an hour or two to prep all of my meals for the week so I can 1. save money and 2. consistently make healthy choices and stay closer to my weight goal. It’s really a win win all around, I just have to stay on top of actually prepping it and grocery shopping when I need to instead of running out of food and ordering Thai three nights in a row.

4. Hike/go to yoga once a week

This one is iffy. Definitely one of those resolutions where you chuckle to yourself as you write it because I mean, come on. Will this really happen? I’m a workout buddy type of girl. I need a friend to come with me to distract me from my pain and misery (I am extremely out of shape, it’s embarrassing). But I realize that’s my weakness, so from now on I’m going to try to schedule in one of these activities once a week and if no one can come with me then I’ll just learn to enjoy my own company when working out. Maybe. We’ll see.

5. Reach 5,000 followers on my @shesmilesblog instagram and 2,000 followers for my blog

This might sound really modest, but if you’re also a blogger then you know how difficult it is to create a following. So while these numbers aren’t particularly impressive they will take a lot of work to achieve. Which leads me to my next resolution…

6. Post 3 times a week to my blog

Consistency is key to being a successful blogger but even though I’m well aware of that fact, I still have struggled with maintaing a consistent schedule throughout 2015. Probably because I work in retail management so my schedule is different every week. But this year I plan on sticking to a schedule every week that I can fit in with my day job with a few minor tweaks every week. I need to make sure I just take enough photos for content so I have everything I need already when I get the time to sit down and write. I’m thinking I’ll post Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and if I’m able to throw in some extra posts throughout the week then great!

7. Date someone who supports and respects my dreams

I think it’s really important to be with someone who cares about you enough to want to support your happiness in any way that they can. Even if they don’t necessarily have a personal interest (I don’t exactly meet a lot of guys who are into fashion and beauty blogging) in the same things you do, showing some interest and appreciation for the things you’re passionate about makes for a good relationship. Of course this means you have to reciprocate this interest and appreciation, but that never seems hard when you meet someone you really like.

8. Visit New Orleans, New York, Seattle and Disneyland

I have a lot of traveling planned for 2016 and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m starting the year off with a trip to NOLA with two of my best friends in early February to celebrate Mardi Gras and Galentine’s Day. I’m visiting one of my best friends and her husband in Seattle in April and I plan on visiting my cousin in NYC sometime in the summer (yes, I’m prepared to melt). Disneyland does not have a date planned yet but I’m pretty bummed I didn’t get to go at all last year so I definitely have to make a trip sometime in 2016, it’s simply necessary for the soul.

9. Spend as much time with my family as possible

This one is always on my list and it’s definitely one of the resolutions I take the most seriously. Not to be a downer, but my parents aren’t getting any younger and I love spending time with them. They’re my rock, and I can’t imagine life without them. I also love seeing my cute grandma and the rest of my crazy family so I make it a point to visit them all as much as I can. It gets harder and harder each year as I get busier and busier, but I’m willing to put in the effort for the important things in life.

Well there you have it, my 2016 New Year Resolutions. Let’s see how they go!

What are yours?




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