6 Healthy Lifestyle Changes That Will Last Longer Than January

It’s January which means the gyms are overcrowded and Lululemon is definitely hitting their sales goals. We all love a good resolution. Everyone is doing it this month so it feels like we’re all in this together and we have a brand new year and this time is going to be different. …but is it … Continue Reading

Losing 25 Pounds in One Year | What I Learned

It’s officially been one year since I decided to get it together and start giving a shit about my body. A year ago I had just gotten back from a trip to Charleston with my cousin and was feeling…not cute. Not only not cute, but also just plain unhealthy. I was the heaviest I had … Continue Reading

My Healthy Living Schedule

In 2018 I lost 20 pounds and was able to keep it off, while still eating things I enjoyed, sharing meals with friends at my favorite restaurants and having wine filled gossips sessions on my girlfriend’s couches. Turns out, you can be a healthy person and still live a fun life. Who knew? As I’m … Continue Reading

How to Stay Healthy(ish) During The Holidays

We are in the middle of what I like to call Eating Season and it’s truly a magical time of year! Not only am I referring to the two glorious nights of the year where we are encouraged to overeat but in general it seems like food is what brings us all together from October … Continue Reading

10 Easy Ways to Start Living a Healthier Life

When we think about “being healthier” I think a lot of us immediately envision ourselves running 5 miles at 6 am every morning, slamming down a green juice with a side of 12 vitamins for breakfast and replacing every single thing we eat with cauliflower. And yeah, maybe some superhumans do that but I am … Continue Reading

How to Improve Your Physical Health With Self-Care

It’s officially been five months since I embarked on my fitness journey and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that at the end of the day the only way you can see physical progress is if you’re making mental progress as well.ย  I’ve had to totally rewire my brain when it comes to food … Continue Reading