Happy Valentine’s Day! While some of you may be thinking about your dinner reservation later I’m over here celebrating the one year anniversary of my podcast launch!
If you don’t already know, I have a dating podcast called It’s Not She, It’s You where I discuss a different guy I’ve dated with a friend every episode and we determine who’s to blame for it not working out. The twist? Some episodes include interviews with my exes and they are *awkward*, to say the least. If you’re looking for a good cringy laugh, you’ll love it!
Related: My New Dating Podcast
Click here to binge season one and follow the pod’s Instagram here to be the first to know when season two is launching!
It’s crazy to think a year has already gone by. I was so nervous to announce the podcast because it’s obviously highly personal. I remember when I was trying to think of a good angle for it I thought “what if I texted every guy I’ve dated and asked if they would be on the show?” which was immediately followed up by “there’s no f*cking way I could do that”. And yet, here we are.
I knew that I wanted to make a podcast about dating and after going through a not so fun breakup (are they ever fun?) I was more motivated than ever to get it off the ground. So I recorded the first episode, agonized over the editing, created an Instagram account for it and then launched with my eyes closed, hoping that people would find it even remotely entertaining.
And thankfully, so far so good! I was relieved that the people who were giving it a listen found it relatable and funny and didn’t think I was a total lunatic.
Related: What It’s Like Interviewing My Exes
Overall it’s been a really fun, slightly embarrassing and interesting experience. I’ve learned a lot about myself and how I am in relationships and it’s actually been super insightful to look back and reflect. I’m glad that I tried something new and pushed myself out of my comfort zone.
One of the things I like about myself most is that I’m always willing to try something new, even at the risk of it not working out. In a lot of ways, I don’t consider myself to be a very brave person, but in this small way, I feel like I am my most courageous.
So if you’re considering trying something new (dance classes, starting a blog, a side hustle, etc.) I highly encourage you to just go for it. You can spend your whole life caring about what other people will think and letting it stop you from pursuing something that excites you. Be scared and nervous and then just do it anyway. The world will not crumble around you, I promise.
As for season two, it’s on the way! I know it’s probably taking longer than expected but that’s because I create the show all on my own. I edit everything myself and it takes a long ass time. I want the entire season edited and ready to go live each week before I launch so I don’t have to stress myself out by editing episodes at the last minute every week. I’m slowly working through each episode and am hoping to announce a release date very soon.
For now, click here to give season one a listen and if you really want to help a girl out, subscribe and leave a rating and review (only good ones please! LOL). It helps my show get seen by more people 🙂

Thanks for reading friends! And have a fun and safe night!