With Halloween just a day away I wanted to share a super easy DIY Skeleton makeup look that you can do if you’re like me and are super last minute.
I did a similar look a couple years ago that was also a kind of cartoonish take on a skeleton but with a pop art twist. I wanted to recreate it but with something a little bit scarier (insert fake blood) and colorful.
I never put much thought into the outfit element because the makeup is hands down my favorite part of Halloween. You can be creative and scary AND I am a firm believer that it does not require a lot of skill to create something cool. Anyone can create a spooky Halloween look with the right tutorial.
I am a YouTube tutorial and Pinterest junkie and used a few different pictures and videos for inspiration and guidance, which you can find below:

Here’s my interpretation:
I wanted to do something that was silly (aka not anatomically correct because your girl does not have time for that), a little scary, and super colorful!
This look took me over an hour to create but mostly because I was figuring it out as I went along, so it could probably take less time for you if you strategize. A few things I would suggest you do that I didn’t do and wish I had:
1. Apply your face paint and foundation FIRST
I wanted to get an idea of my outline so I did that first but had a hard time fixing it when I applying my face paint and foundation without it getting smeary and gross.
2. Buy black face paint
I ran out so I used a jumbo eye crayon and eyeshadow for my neck and it took forever. It also looks pretty streaky so I wouldn’t recommend that technique. It took me about ten years to wash it off in the shower.
3. Go all purple for the skull eye socket
I started with black and then put the purples, pinks, and blues in but I think it would have looked better with all purple with just a thin black outline!
Those are the changes I’ll be making tomorrow when I recreate this look for the big night. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll need:
What You Need:
- White & Black Face Paint
- Makeup brushes or a sponge you don’t care that much about
- White & Black eyeliner pencils
- Fake blood
- Colorful eyeshadows (blue, purple, pink, gold, etc.)
- Your favorite foundation
- Blush, bronzer, highlight
- Your favorite brow products
- Your favorite mascara
- Translucent Powder
You can shop the entire look below! I recorded most of the look until my card was full so I’ll update this post once I have some footage up so you can see a basic idea of how to create this look. I honestly just copied the pictures and kept makeup removing wipes nearby!
What are you going to be for Halloween? Tell me in the comments!