Listen guys. I am a dry ass bitch. It’s a fact I have come to accept. As soon as winter hits I am crusty af and it can’t be stopped. My scalp gets dry (thank you head and shoulders), my lips get dry, and my skin gets red and begins to crack. It’s VERY cute.
But, because I know this about myself I have become very good at being proactive and helping my skin get the hydration it so desperately needs this time of year. If your skin is dry as the Mohave too, here are my best tips!

No really, it’s time for you to go for it.
I usually drink between 60-80 ounces a day but during the winter I kick things up a notch and aim for 100-130 ounces. It doesn’t always happen because that’s a lot of water my dudes BUT I do my best.
This makes a noticeable difference in my skin as well as my energy level and overall fitness. My favorite water bottle is my Hydroflask but honestly get anything cute to motivate you and get on it!
If drinking that much water sounds crazy to you start small with just an extra 20 ounces a day and ultimately aim for half your body weight in ounces. Also, a tip if you’re someone who drives a lot, make it a habit to drink water every time you’re at a stoplight or stopped at all. I find myself finishing bottles of water while driving from point A to B all the time.
“Acid” isn’t exactly the first word you think of when it comes to hydration BUT hydraulic acid is actually a great product for preventing dry skin.
It pretty much helps your skin hold onto as much moisture as possible and can seriously make a difference during the colder months. Plus it’s great for all skin types, so even if you’re not the dry type it will still leave your skin looking supple and glowy.
My favorite hyaluronic acid products are below:
As a San Francisco gal living in a super old and therefore incredibly drafty house, I am pretty much always freezing. When I wake up in the morning the air in my room is ICY. Of course, we use the heat but the house just doesn’t retain it. SO this means that the air is cold and dry and I wake up feeling SO dehydrated.
That’s why your girl is ordering a humidifier! Not only is it great to have on hand for cold and flu season but it keeps the air moist (gross, sorry) and won’t dry out your skin.
Here’s the one I ordered as well as some other great options:
Depending on who you are you may have a very involved skincare routine or you may splash some water on your face every morning and call it good. While I could go on and on about a ton of different skincare products I love, I think it’s important to make sure if you’re going to be using any this winter, make sure you’re moisturizing!
During the warmer months, I use a lighter moisturizer and am usually good to go. That along with hyaluronic acid keeps my skin feeling hydrated. But during the fall/winter that just simply does not cut it. So I take things to the next level with a few additional products.
I pick up an intense hydrating mask (this one from Origins in my holy grail dry skin cure!), get a nice face oil and even a night cream if I’m feeling really crazy. Think about incorporating something a bit more heavy-duty for these chilly months even if you don’t want to run out and buy a ton of new products.
Here are my favorite cold-weather skincare products:
I know there’s been a ton of articles floating around lately about “double cleansing” and while I do think for some skin types and in some circumstances it can be a great way to thoroughly cleanse your skin, it is NOT the move for us dry skin ladies.
During the winter I skip cleansing in the morning. I just wash my face with warm water and move onto the other steps in my skincare routine (unless I work out, then I definitely use a cleanser).
For me, it makes a difference and prevents my skin from being stripped of its oils even more. I’m not an expert but I think it’s definitely worth a try!

What’s your skin type and what do you struggle with? Tell me in the comments below!