Happy New Year sweet friends!

I think we can all agree 2018 was a bust, and we’re all happy to move on. Thank u, next! (my forever favorite 2018 reference)

Lol jokes aside, 2018 was a challenging year for me in many ways but also one that was filled with so much growth. It was a year that taught me how resilient I really can be and I truly feel like a stronger person. I am more determined than ever to create a life I’m in love with and I’m feeling SO good closing out the year. I have so many big plans and exciting projects for 2019 and I don’t mean to be cheesy but I really do think it’s going to be my year. I can feel it. Everything feels like it’s just falling into place for me.

2019 resolutions
Spending time with my favorite boy & his mama-Feb
2019 resolutions
Exploring Charleston with my cousin! -Feb
2019 resolutions
Hiking through Mt. Diablo -March

I was reading my 2018 resolutions post and was really pleasantly surprised by how many of my resolutions I kept. I made huge lifestyle changes in regards to my health and fitness, became more financially responsible with how I managed my money (learn how I did it here) and overall had a better attitude than I did in 2017. I can say with confidence that I am a different person than I was last year (or last last year) and it’s definitely for the better.

Related: My 2018 New Year’s Resolutions

It’s crazy how much can change in just one year. This time last year I was not in a great place mentally. I was feeling very stressed, overwhelmed and just kind of defeated, for many different reasons. But it’s those moments where you feel totally hopeless that allow us to stretch our minds and get creative about finding solutions. I have always held a strong belief in myself and my abilities but now more than ever I am confident that there isn’t anything that can stop me from getting where I want to go. I feel powerful. And intentional. And proud of what I’ve accomplished and who I’ve become. And mostly, excited for the future. I know my life will only continue to get better personally, professionally and everywhere in between.

2019 resolutions
Brunching with my brother -April
2019 resolutions
Met a baby angel while at Lake Merritt -April
2019 resolutions
Spending time with my precious mama -May

If I had to pick a word for my 2019 vibe it would be power. I feel so in control of my life right now and the path that I’m on and it is making me feel pretty badass, I have to say. So for me, 2019 is going to be the year where I feel powerful af and only make decisions that support my vision and my goals.

Because I already created a pretty ambitious list of “to dos” that I want to accomplish in my 25th year (you can read them here) I wanted my New Year Resolutions to focus more on broader ideas that will be the foundation of my year. I know what my specific, tangible goals are but these 5 resolutions are the mindset shifts that will allow me to reach them. I wanted to keep it simple so if you’re also into creating resolutions but feel like you need 38 and they have to be hugely ambitious don’t stress. Just start with how you’d like to think and act differently in the new year and go from there.

Related: The 25th Year Bucket List

I’d love to know what your 2019 resolutions are as well! Tell me in the comments at the end of this post! And enjoy some snapshots of my favorite moments of 2018 ♥



This resolution is what really inspired my 25th-year bucket list because I felt like in 2018 my biggest downfall was halting all action in all aspects of my life whenever I would be sad/overwhelmed/upset. I would go weeks without writing, posting, working out, eating right, etc. I don’t think that necessarily classifies as depression because it wasn’t anything super extreme but I would just kind of go into...a funk. And I wouldn’t feel motivated to do anything. Which would ultimately result in me becoming even more upset because then I would have to start over with any projects or goals I had set.

2019 resolutions
Reuniting with some of my VS ladies -May
2019 resolutions
Losing 20 pounds & getting stronger -June
2019 resolutions
Finally being an adult and getting a normal sized bed! -June

My main focus this year is to continue taking action even when I’m feeling upset or down or when I make a mistake. To continue writing, creating and treating my body well. Obviously, we all have days where we need to just unplug and mentally recharge but I don’t want to let these funks get in the way of what I’m going after this year. If I had to pick a second word to describe my 2019 it would be action.


Like I mentioned, this year has been pretty transformative in regards to my overall health and wellness. I have totally changed my diet, my workout routine (aka I got one) and added a ton of other healthy habits to my lifestyle that has resulted in noticeable changes. I feel better physically than I maybe ever have and I’m sooo proud of all the progress I’ve made.

2019 resolution
Me and my bffles going to all of our favorite SF spots when they visited me -June
2019 resolution
Me and my bffles again when we went to Leavenworth for Brooke’s 30th! -August
2019 resolution
Celebrating my fabulous friend Erika’s 30th! -Sept

So for 2019, I want to focus on not being so hard on myself and treating my body with more kindness. Since I’ve seen what I’m capable of when I’m at my best (going to the gym every day, eating clean 5-6 days a week, meditating, etc.) when I have weeks where I’m not able to do all of those things, because ya know, life happens, I tend to get really upset with myself. Which is not a healthy way to treat myself at all. I’ve pretty much done a complete 180 to how I was treating my body a year ago and that should be celebrated! Even on days when I don’t make it to the gym and I treat myself to pizza for dinner.

I am a person who loves food and that will never change. So this year I would like to stop feeling guilty when I indulge and instead recognize that I am awesome and my body is awesome and that I am a healthy lady living a healthy life who can have a fucking donut if she wants. The end.


This may seem like a very “duh” resolution but I’ve really struggled with balancing my blog/freelance/work stuff/social life this last year and I think that’s because true balance is unattainable. I need to accept that fact, embrace it and leverage it in a way that propels me towards my goals. This year I want to be more focused on growing my brand, my new (very exciting!) projects for 2019 and making that money honey!

2019 resolution
Polaroids from my 25th Birthday Halloween Party -Oct
2019 resolution
Another great shot from my birthday party -Oct
2019 resolution
I hosted a Galsgiving Dinner with some of my favorite ladies -Nov

I can just feel it in my bones that this is the year when my career is going to take off and as we all know, dreams only work if you do. I am here and I am ready to put in the work. I’m not going to allow anything to get in my way.


Another big lesson from 2018 was that if I’m not into the content I’m creating, I am not happy. Sounds obvious, I know. But as a content creator, it’s really important to me that I’m pleasing my audience and writing about topics that actually interest you. However, I think I got a little too carried away with it and found myself writing about topics that just weren’t what I wanted to be talking about in this stage in my life. So I decided to stop creating things I wasn’t excited about and focus on the topics that I was feeling called to write about.

2019 resolution
Wearing an apron on Thanksgiving Day and doing almost nothing that required an apron -Nov
2019 resolution
Going to Hot Glass, Cold Beer with one of my besties! -Maybe April actually??

And you know what? Turns out you guys are into it. My pageviews have never been higher and the feedback you’ve been sharing makes me so happy I could burst. I followed my instincts and it has been well worth it.

In 2019 I will constantly be asking myself the questions, “Does this make me happy?”,  “Am I excited to share this?”,  “Am I enjoying creating this?” and my answers will lead the way for what you’ll be seeing here on the blog.


Finally, I want to stop focusing so much on results and more on enjoying the journey. Cheesy af but isn’t it so true? We get so wrapped up in getting where we want to go—hitting the goal, finishing the big project, etc.—that we don’t get to experience the joy of doing it. Of making it happen. There is so much fun to be had in just working towards our goals that it’s really a shame to miss out on it.

2019 resolution
Celebrating my bestie’s bday! -Dec
2019 resolution
Celebrating my bestie’s bday! -Dec

This is similar to the above resolution in that I want to make sure I’m having fun with the content I’m creating this year. I don’t want to focus solely on growth and numbers. I want to focus on enjoying what I’m doing, personally and professionally, and allowing the results to unfold as a result of having a great time working hard and doing what I love.

What are your NY resolutions for 2019? Tell me in the comments below!

Xo, She

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One comment


I don’t do new year’s resolutions anymore. But this year I WILL finally be decluttering/organizing because I’m most likely going to be moving at the end of June. I’ve been on my current apartment since 2005 and I’ve accumulated WAY too much stuff over the years. Now I got 6 months to go through it all and get rid of what I don’t want/need anymore. EEK!

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