I’ve always been a very goal oriented person so I am a big fan of vision boards and using them to stay focused on what you want to achieve. If you’re unfamiliar with them, they’re essentially just a collage you create using images of things you want in your life. They are 1. super fun to make and 2. really inspiring because every day you can look at a visual representation of what it will look like when you’ve reached your goals.

how to make a vision board

I have one vision board hanging in my room that I made a few years ago and while it still has some great goals and visuals on it, as the years have gone by my priorities have shifted and I think it’s time to make a new one to put in my office! This was one of the items on my 25th Year Bucket List so I’m excited to be completing it now! To read about the 25 things I’m challenging myself to do in my 25th year, click here.

Creating my vision board this time around left me feeling so motivated to get after my goals and it also made me really happy to look at my old one and to see which aspirations I’ve already been able to check off my list. My old board includes pictures of New York Fashion Week and women working out and eating healthy and those are two things I’ve been able to do over the past few years. In the moments where I feel like I haven’t done enough, I try to focus on all that I have accomplished and I find that it helps lift my spirits and become more grateful.

Related: The Secret To Being Okay With The Path You’re On

This could be a really fun activity to do with your girlfriends or solo. If the thought of sitting down and making a list of your goals sounds like too much pressure or too overwhelming I think this is a great alternative!


For my old vision board, I bought a frame and used a thin piece of poster board to put inside it. But you can honestly just use whatever you’d like! You could use a thicker poster board or an art canvas as well. Then you just need tape or a glue stick, scissors and tons of magazines. Plus if you’re a particularly artsy person you can add any other decorative elements you’d like!

how to create a vision board

Once you have your supplies ready you can start thinking about the goals you have for the next few years and what you’d like your life to look like. Then while you’re going through the magazines you’ll have these goals in mind but you can also just cut out anything that jumps out at you. This is supposed to be fun so feel free to add whatever you see that inspires you. You’re basically curating your dream life so enjoy the process.

My vision board is very fashion based but I was also just really inspired by a lot of the girl bosses featured so I included a lot of clippings like that to create a career focused board that will be perfect for my office! I will post the final results soon, I keep adding more elements!

What are your goals for the next year? Tell me in the comments below!

Xo, She


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